Dixie Stampede Commercial

Garcia Films and its video production team worked with the Dixie Stampede in Branson, Missouri, to create an engaging commercial for its Christmas show. We combined shots of the show with an audience, overhead angles with a custom cable cam system, and Dolly Parton shot in front of a green screen. 

Custom Cable Cam System

What makes this particular video unique is that Garcia Films developed a custom cable cam system. There are some out in the market, however, with speed as a crucial element for this production, we fabricated the device so it could move up to 40-50 mph. Using a cable cam system allowed us to capture shots where drones cannot be used.

Shooting With An Audience

In this case, the audience was present for part of the commercial. Garcia Films shot for one day with the audience, and one day without. The day we filmed with the audience, we did not use a drone for liability reasons. This is where the cable cam system came into play. The cable cam could go 0 mph to 90 mph from one point to another. This let Garcia Films record shots through areas that you normally wouldn’t want to fly a drone over people. This type of system would also work to capture video in different structures that have many obstacles, where it might be difficult or unsafe to use a drone.

The cable cam system also provides a different look and technique to a video. It’s used in Hollywood productions all the time, like in Hook, True Lies, Happy Gilmore, Miracle, Dreamgirls, etc. The final product is a very fast-action, fun commercial for a tourist attraction as seen in the Dixie Stampede commercial.

Need aerial photography or video production?

If it’s time to elevate your company’s brand story through visual storytelling and video production, Garcia Films is ready to start the conversation today.

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